Screening for breast cancer
Screening of any cancer intends to catch a cancer before it shows itself with symptoms. It helps us to get the cancer at a earlier stage and with much better chance of cure.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world. It accounts for almost 30% of cancers in our country.
It presents as a lump in the breast or armpit ( axilla) , nipple discharge, skin changes , orange peel appearance of the overlying skin or a wound.
Though these symptoms are seen easily patients in our country present late as they are painless to begin with, lack of awareness, fear and embarrassment.
If there is a way to catch breast cancer in it’s initial stage it will lead to much better treatment and higher rates of cure.
Screening of breast cancer begins with a “free of charge” and ” at home” test called self breast examination to be done every month.
Women above age of 20 are advised to do this monthly self breast examination between 5th – 7th day after beginning of menstrual cycle. For women who are lactating or pregnant or post menopausal this can be done on any fixed day every month.
A regular self breast examination helps to catch breast cancer in the size of a 50 paise coin, compared to the size of lemon that’s usually caught when a lady accidentally discovers a breast lump.
Since it Is done by self, it takes care of the embarrassment part and since it’s free- it’s affordable for all women including poor.
How to do it :
1)  stand naked upto waist in front of the mirror.
2) observe both breasts and armpits for any recent change in size , any appearance of lump, nipple changes like retraction , discharge from nipple, wound etc
3) once done, lie down on the bed flat.
4) with middle of first three fingers of the hand alternatively, palpate both breasts and armpit thoroughly for any lump or nipple retraction.
Awareness is the key to early diagnosis and better long-term survival. Self breast examination should be encouraged and each woman of our country should benefit from this simple ,free and readily available method of early diagnosis of breast cancer.