Right colonic mass can present with only anemia
Persistent anemia, Stool OB positive, no bowel complaints. Colonoscopy: Right colon mass + Adenocarcinoma. PET CT No metastatic. Right hemicolectomy done. Moral: Right colonic mass can present with only anemia.
Early referral to specialist – amenable to VATS decortication. Faster recovery.
LRTI due to chicken pox in December 2021. Lung abscess right lower lobe. Managed elsewhere. Presented with severe dry cough and chronic empyema + CT scan: Thickened peel with collapse right lung. Decortication done, complete lung expansion + Moral: Early referral to specialist – amenable to VATS decortication. Faster recovery.
Carcinoma buccal mucosa.
Carcinoma buccal mucosa. Deemed palliative in view of N3b. Given RT followed by Palliative CT. Presented with fungating nodal mass with no palpable/ visible primary. Re staging showed complete metabolic response to primary with N3 disease. Underwent radical neck dissection with PMMC. N3 : not a contraindication to a attempt at cure and no reason to live with a fungating mass definitely. Team Heal Onco Care
66/F/Operated in past for hysterectomy with left oopherectomy for benign cause.
Had a lap rectopexy and vesicopexy repair done 7 years ago.
Currently increasing abdominal distension. Investigated: large multiseptated cystic lesion. Tumour markers negative. Underwent exploratory laparotomy.entire abdominal cavity replaced with large right ovarian cyst. Excision of right ovary with entire cyst done in toto. Weight 4.5 kgs. Final Histopath: benign mucinuous cystadenoma of ovary. Saved a possible pseudomyxoma peritonei.
Moral: whenever possible get lumps / cysts etc out in toto during surgery!
Team heal Onco Care: Dr Prriya Eshpuniyani and Dr Ketul shah
68/F diagnosed case of squamous cell carcinoma mid third esophagus. Underwent NACRT. Had complete metabolic response.
41/M Operated for bowel Obstruction at village December 2021. Carcinoma rectosigmoid. Distal margin positive. Struggled for 4 months to get surgery done. I did a Revision resection of rectum, small bowel was involved now so did a right quarter colectomy, and diversion ileostomy. Patient home on POD6 uneventfully.
69/F/ old history of carcinoma breast. Had history of neck swelling since last 1 year. history of palpitations. Got full cardiac evaluation done including dobutamine stress test. Started on medications