National Cancer Survivor’s Day

Nationally recognized as Cancer Survivor Month, June is an opportunity for all cancer
survivors across the world to celebrate their milestones and recognize those who have supported
them along the way. It is also an opportunity for those who have not been affected by cancer to
learn and understand the challenges that accompany survivorship. Each year, whether a survivor
or not, there are always opportunities to embrace National Cancer Survivor Month. To add to
that first Sunday of June each year is celebrated as National Cancer Survivor’s Day.

We all do know that cancer affects the lives of millions of people and their families. The daily
struggle of living with cancer and adjusting to life after recovery or remission can be challenging
to work through. Having a positive outlook and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is beneficial when
dealing with the aftermath of cancer. Usually people are under the misconception that once
treatment ends, difficulties related to cancer come to a screeching stop. The truth is, however,
moving forward as a survivor is accompanied by many new struggles. As cancer survivors
navigate new challenges, many of the support systems they had throughout treatment weaken
making it much more difficult.

Along with survivorship often comes physical, emotional, and financial hardship. Treatment for
cancer is only tip of iceberg that leaves the human body fatigued and weak. It often takes a long
time for the body to adjust and adapt and even while understanding this in theory, it can be
especially demotivating to survivors when faced with reality. Most feel the urge to jump back
into an old routine and pick up where one left off landing up being demoralized as the body isn’t
ready or capable to do so just as yet. Struggles during the treatment and the frustration of setting
new limits on oneself later leads to survivor’s guilt culminating in various mental health issues.
Though the month celebrates survivors, it is important to remember that the battle is not
necessarily over. Celebrating National Cancer Survivor Month means remembering to check in,
offer support, and share resources to assist with coping moving forward. Survivorship is
undoubtedly a milestone to celebrate, but it is not the end of the challenging path.

National cancer survivor’s month is thus a celebration for those who have survived, an
inspiration for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of support for families and an outreach
to the community.