Happy Mother’s Day To All MOM’S

Word mother and prem both are two and half and complimentary to each other. There is no bigger love in the world than that of a mother. It’s a mother who takes care of her baby from inception and through each moment of her life. She guides her child through all weathers of life, regardless of the severity of the storm she faces. Building her entire being and her entire life around her child, many a times she forgets her own identity in the process.

I am now a 43 year old “baby” for my ma as I lovingly address her. Ma has been the strongest pillar of support in my entire life. Working maybe around 48 hours in a day she has ensured that I get to grasp and hold on to each opportunity coming along my way without a second thought. She has been my guiding light and vote of confidence in any decision I have taken in my life. I remember the day when I took up General surgery, and the house was swamped with phone calls from all over. Ma patiently listened to the words of advise from many , regarding the poor choice of career for a girl and at the end of each such call she reiterated in her very gentle yet firm voice – It’s her choice and we are standing by her for this and anything else she decides to do in life. I have ndreds of such examples where Ma has been my armour and a strong one at that.

These angels sent by God as SHE couldn’t be at all places at once, are the reason as to how the human race still exists and humanity still has hope to survive. These angels though need to be nourished and cherished too. But do we do so ? we honestly don’t. We take them for granted in our super busy lives, believing that they are superhuman. We watch them facing struggles, we watch them getting hurt, we watch them getting tired and we watch them dropping a tear too many. But we turn a blind eye to all for our own selfish lives. If I pen some words and ask Ma to remember “ she is a humans too, she has dreams and wishes too, she needs to give a thought to self care too” she is not going to listen or pay heed to me.

So on this mother’s day – a day that deserves to be every single day – I implore “us” –all of us – let’s give our Ma a smile. Let’s sit with her for some time every day, let’s listen to her stories, let’s go through her wrinkles and scars and heal them with a loving touch and some kind words. Let’s push them to take care of her own body and if she doesn’t – let’s do it for her. Let’s understand her tears and let’s give her smile a twinkle. Let’s be there for her just as she has always been there for us !
There are no words enough to thank her for being exactly what she is … Ma. Wishing each mother out there a warm , happy mother’s day and a salute to all these angels called Ma…..❤️