does it exist??

Close the care gap
4th February is observed as world cancer day each year. It highlights the severe deficiency in the supply demand ratio, plus the the extreme discrepancy in the treatment depending on various issues at the global level.

The 3 year theme of WHO is “close the care gap”

Requires a lot of efforts by all strata our society : from the immediate caregivers of the patient , medical fraternity , government guidelines and financial help. However the main ingredient of this theme is ” empathy”.

At each level there is a urgent need of understanding the two words – sympathy and empathy. In specialized difficult cancer care , a sense of empathy is most underutilized and least understood concept. Close the care gap – means that each patient of cancer should get the best of each profession in a team effort and each member to empathize with the patient.

Sympathy is a feeling of pity and doesn’t equate to doing your best. However empathy is understanding as if we are ourselves In the same situation. This leads to a deeper understanding and a more holistic treatment of the patient.

In our busy lives, running around , getting worked up in our small worlds, and living a life of grandiose delusions we forget the tiny voice that calls out to us and says …. empathize.

On this world cancer day, let’s all of us, the caregivers, doctors , nurses and each person working with or around a cancer patient , should pledge to awaken their dormant feelings of empathy and in turn give their best to the world In cancer care..